
European Vanilla Options

To price a vanilla European option, we begin by defining the option itself:

    // Define the option contract.
    let option = EuropeanVanillaOptionBuilder::default()
        .expiry(date!(2025 - 12 - 31))

Then we need to define a model to price the option with:

    // Define some models to price the option.
    let bs73 = BlackScholes73::new(100., 0.05, 0.2);
    let m73 = Merton73::new(100., 0.05, 0.03, 0.2);
    let b76 = Black76::new(100., 0.05, 0.2);
    let a82 = Asay82::new(100., 0.2);
    let gk83 = GarmanKohlhagen83::new(100., 0.05, 0.03, 0.2);
    let h93 = Heston93::new(100., 0.05, 0.03, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1);
    let bch = Bachelier::new(100., 0.05, 0.2);

Lastly, we construct an AnalyticOptionPricer, from which we can generate a report. The report simply prints the option, model, price, and Greeks.

    // Print the option, model, price and greeks.
    AnalyticOptionPricer::new(option, bs73).report();
    AnalyticOptionPricer::new(option, m73).report();
    AnalyticOptionPricer::new(option, b76).report();
    AnalyticOptionPricer::new(option, a82).report();
    AnalyticOptionPricer::new(option, gk83).report();
    AnalyticOptionPricer::new(option, h93).report();
    AnalyticOptionPricer::new(option, bch).report();